Wednesday, August 9, 2017

I rise

I rise because I have courage
I rise because I’m determined
I rise because I have to conquer 
I rise because I long to reach for nothing but the stars
Yes I rise because I rise

I rise because I’m motivated
I rise because I’m driven
I rise because I have goals
I rise because I know how it’s like to fall
I rise because what makes me stronger is to rise when I fall
Yes I rise… because I rise

I rise because the future promise to shine brighter than the present
I rise because I’m the light that shines brighter that the morning stars
I rise because I have faith
I rise because I have hope
I rise because I pray for better everyday
I rise because I rise…. Yes I rise

I rise because I’ve been down
I rise because I’ve been broken
I rise because I’ve been weak
I rise because I’m stronger now
I rise because I’ve feared
I rise because I've to take risks
Yes I rise because I’m worthy
I rise and I rise

I rise because He promised to be with me wherever I go
I rise because He will never forsake me
I rise because He said he loves me
I rise because He said foreknew me
I rise because He is an Awesome God

Yes I rise because I rise

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dear life

Like a seed plaughed in the valley of many
You have nartured me to be the best I can ever be
Life is succumbed with a bright future and success
You have blessed me with people I can look up to
That makes me view life in a very different angle
And I start to appreciate and value everybody in my life circle

Although there were times when hurricanes striked
When I couldn't soldier on
When I had lost hope for the best things
But you gave me one more try (a chance)
A chance to be content again
And I embraced that chance
Held firmely on it, abundantly 

At times life became more complex
That's when most of us say life is unfair
But the fact of the matter is.......
Life is an absolute gift from God
And it is our encounters in life that are unfair
That's why when things seem to be in the midst of the haze
I let posi+ivity take over
I rise above obstacles
Above hate and above fear.

Because life has been so dear to me
Everything seem possible now
Life presents unlimited opportunities
No matter what the circumstances
There is always a way out
Not because of my wisdom
But through the mercy of the Almighty Lord

Dear life.....please continue
To bless me abundantly. Elevate me
From one level to the next
Lemme cherish love with other people in my circle.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Devotion Part II

How wonderful it is to know
That you are always near,
That even when things are tough,
You’re always by my side.
Whispering …….“every little thing will be alright”

No matter what you’re doing
Nor what the time of day,
You never too busy for me

You came to my life as a blessing,
As a Queen….and I’m your King,
That’s my devotion to you.
You brought contentment
And filled my heart with love,
Tender and care….

In return, as my devotion to you
I make time for you, “for us”
For us to reminisce and cherish
The good moments
And be there for you when we hit the rough patch
But that’s hardly occurred coz God is with us
I gave you my heart and you reciprocated that
In all, I’m truly indebted

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life is Compelling

When we are but a few years old, yet, too young to ponder the imponderable, life compels. You sit down and jot your year’s resolutions. And u notice that a lot has changed….from your needs, wants and necessities, they’re different from what you had a few years back. But don’t worry, it means you are growing up.

Growing up comes with responsibilities. Responsibility is the ability to show a certain distain, for being responsible. While growing up is not all bout the SWAG and the bling-bling which has been implanted in our thinking system. Neither is about banging an enormous number of galz. Or scoring a partner who will take care of you *abo-sugar daddy*

The truth of the matter is…SWAG will not pay our bills few years down the line. But being responsible will help us invest for the future. Some things in life benefit us to a certain extent. So responsibility in this context simply means understanding repercussions of your actions. Taking charge of the matter and be in control. Coz what you put in is what you get out. Life is full wonderful things. So do not settle for a mediocre life. You have to be compelling.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


There comes a time in your life when you reminisce on daily life activities…. When you get caught between love, fear and dreams; and the haze in your eyes slowly pages up. When you're thinking how difficult can it be: to push and to shove just for a sense of belonging. Pushing and shoving to be accepted for who you really are. When you say enough fighting and crying or holding on….but through the midst you begin to look at the world from a new perspective.
……………………….this is your awakening.

You realize that is it time to stop hoping and waiting for something or someone to change, or happiness, love and dreams to come dashing straight to you. You come to the terms that nothing in life is easy. You realize that the future is not tomorrow but NOW. You begin to see that your life has been based on making other people’s lives better and ignoring your inner self needs and wants. You undertake self-introspection, rummaging for the things you like and trashing out what is no longer needed. In the midst of spring cleaning you realize that you have missed on so much in LIFE.

Yes, you have been in pursuit of your dreams and learnt that happiness is a counterproductive of success. Slowly you begin to open up to new worlds and different points of view. And you discover that you have missed out on so much, you never followed your passion, but your destination has been harnessed by your parents, forgetting that you have your own vision, goals and happiness to pursue.

You accept the fact that you are not perfect, in fact, no one is. Not everyone will appreciate or approve of who or what you are…..that is FINE, you should not be concerned about that anyway. People talk, they talked before we were born, they talking about our successes and failures now but neglecting their own businesses, and they will talk even when we leave this planet earth. So that should not bother you. You come to terms that you are unique and so is your road to your desire state (where you want to be). You stop trying to compete with anybody but gunning for what you want out of life. You take a long look to yourself in a mirror and you make a promise to give yourself the same unconditional love and support you give so freely to others.

You reminisce about what you possess and you start to give thanks for all the simple things you are blessed with in life, things that many people are dreaming to have. You begin to do things God admires; you become who you want other people to be to you and do things you want them to do. You travel the road which God will want to see us taking…the road of loving, sharing, and giving. Then you discover that it is through giving that you receive.

Then you begin to love and care for yourself. You stop engaging in self-detrimental situations, including participating in dysfunctional relationships. Relationships that are based on material things other than LOVE alone, for all other things are added on where love is shared on its full scope. You realize that you deserve the best and the best, in this context, will not only come from one person but will be tailor-made by both parties.

You are enlightened that fear has hindered you to live the life you’re ought to live. And it was not just any fear, but FEAR of the UNKNOWN. You learn to recognize your mistakes and rectify them or better yet, start on a clean slate and let go of the past. It is not your duty to save the world and sometimes you just need to LE’GO. Life is full of many opportunities, choose mazkhethele. You revivify yourself to do the things you’ve for ever wanted.

In the process of pursuit, you learn that it is wrong to demand that someone live their life or sacrifice their dreams just to serve your needs, ease your insecurities, or meet your standards and expectations. Then sense of independence is born of self-introspection. You begin to learn that greatest things in life are better achieved through your sweats. And that the most love you can ever get in this world is self love; and you begin to understand, your heart heals; and now all new things are possible.

You determine that life isn’t fair and you don’t always get what you think you deserve, and you stop personalizing every loss or disappointment. You learn to accept that sometimes bad things happen to good people and that these things are not an act of God……but merely a random act of fate.

Finally, you realize that with God by your side, with courage in your heart you take on the world, and your life can take a twist, so you take a deep breath and you begin to design the life you want to live as best as you can…coz you’re awaken. God will never fail you!

This piece is inspired by Sonny Carroll "The Awakening"

Monday, October 3, 2011

Better Life

The beginning for me was the day I met you,

the start of life anew,
of having someone my whole life through.
Having someone to care,
at times when life is so hard to bear,
and having tales with whom to share.
Having someone to say "I LOVE YOU"
and mean it with all their heart,
that is what I have because I have you.

Now I share my breath with you,
And hold dear to the memories we've shared,
And will continue sharing in the times ahead.
I thank you now for giving me
A new beginning - a better life.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sum1 like you

I have been pondering trying to understand the complexity of feelings I have for you,
Guess this did not help anyhow but hurt me
It has enlightened this personality in me that I did not know of
A personality which resonates regrets for no knowing I have someone like you
I can’t help but hurt bout this whole thing
The hurt I have inside is not an inflicted pain, but a touching pain
The kind of hurt that brings knowledge of the amazing things in my life
The hurt that can be healed with lots of love, care and tender only someone of your caliber can give
Someone like you is not easy to find
That is why I wish nothing but the best for you